
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following individuals for their invaluable contributions and support in the Mandela Effect community. Their efforts have played a crucial role in the development of this website.

Iminterestingplease kept a running list of Mandela Effects on reddit.  Their list serves as the basis of this database.

Supernatural Bible Changes has catalogued the list of changes to the Holy Bible.  Rather than import it into this site, it is linked to on the side menu.

Mandela Database on Flickr has a collection of residue.

Nathaniel Herbert on Flickr has albums of residue.

MESh1t on Imgur for their ME Residue Collection.

Mark_1978 has found and shared some of the residual evidence you will find throughout the site.

The Movie Database for providing the posters you will find on this site:


The Mandela Effect community on YouTube, who have identified and investigated this phenomenon, including but not limited to:









This database is a continual work-in-progress.  If you’d like to make a contribution to it and have your name added to this list, please fill out the form on the Contact page.